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📚 Online fraud should be seen as a 'national security issue'

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Fraud has become a nation-wide epidemic, a new think tank report claims. ...

📌 Online fraud should be seen as a 'national security issue'

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📌 Mobile Ad Fraud In India: Click Fraud Is 2.4X Worse, App Install Fraud 1.7X Higher

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📌 XZ issue is being investigated by the US government as a critical national security issue

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📌 Deep Fake Tech Seen as National Security Threat by US Lawmakers

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📌 Five Ways TikTok Is Seen as Threat to US National Security

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📌 Email fraud could be the biggest online security fraud this Black Friday - here's how to stay safe

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📌 Online fraud losses set to hit nearly $50bn by 2023. juniper research warns of rising synthetic id fraud

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📌 Amazon Fraud Detector: Use machine learning in the fight against online fraud

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📌 Online fraud prevention biz fails to prevent CEO's alleged offline fraud

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📌 E-Commerce Losses to Online Payment Fraud to Exceed $48B Globally in 2023, as Fraud Incursions Evolve

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📌 As online fraud rises, 72% of retail brands expect to grow fraud teams

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📌 Expert Opinion On Fraud Epidemic In UK ‘Is Now National Security Threat’

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📌 This Mac Pro with RGB lights should never have seen the light of day

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📌 Apple celebrates national parks’ 104th birthday with new ways to support the National Park Foundation

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📌 NSA's National Centers for Academic Excellent (NCAE) Cyber Games to Hold National Finals on April 22

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📌 Universal Health Care is a National Security Issue

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📌 The Perils of Hyping Pandemic Response as a National Security Issue

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📌 Minecraft oddly finds itself in the middle of a national US security issue

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📌 Former Mentor Says Mark Zuckerberg Intoxicated by Power, Calls Disinformation 'A National Security Issue'

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📌 Russian national Anton Bogdanov indicted for $1.5M cyber tax fraud scheme

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📌 Card Fraud On The Rise, Despite National EMV Adoption

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📌 Card Fraud On The Rise, Despite National EMV Adoption

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📌 IT guy at US govt fraud watchdog stole 16 computers from... US govt fraud watchdog

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📌 IT guy at US govt fraud watchdog stole 16 computers from... US govt fraud watchdog

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📌 Mystery database left open turns out to be massive Groupon fraud ticket fraud ring

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📌 Claire Hatcher, Kaspersky’s Lead on Anti-Fraud discusses the challenges of On-Line Fraud.

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📌 Action Fraud? Inaction Fraud

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📌 How Kaspersky Fraud Prevention helps Indacoin halt fraud with cryptocurrency

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📌 States Spent Millions On Deloitte’s ‘Anti-Fraud’ Covid Unemployment Systems. They Suffered Billions In Fraud.

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