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๐Ÿ“š PowerToys gets improved FancyZones UI and more in latest update

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Snapping and managing windows is easier with PowerToys' streamlined FancyZones UI. What you need to know Microsoft's PowerToys recently received an update to version 0.31. The update improves the FancyZones user interface and includes several other improvements. Microsoft's PowerToys is a handy utility that adds several features to your Windows PC. The features it adds are generally for power users, such as renaming several images at once within a set of rules or using File Explorer add-ons. PowerToys recently received an update to version 0.31.1 that includes several new features and improvements. With the latest build comes a streamlined user interface for FancyZones, a tool that lets you arrange and snap windows into different layouts. Here's a list of highlighted changes, as found on the PowerToys release page on GitHub: General Bug report tool and improved logging now added to our system tray. Added in CodeQL and other CI improvements. OOBE Spec should be ... ...

๐Ÿ“Œ PowerToys gets improved FancyZones UI and more in latest update

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