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๐Ÿ“š Linux has been ported to run on Appleโ€™s M1 Macs

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

A new Linux port allows Appleโ€™s M1 Macs to run Ubuntu for the first time. Corellium, a security firm that offers a virtualized version of iOS for security testing, has successfully ported Ubuntu over to M1 Macs and released a tutorial for others to follow. The modified version of Ubuntu boots into the regular user interface and includes USB support.

Apple hasnโ€™t designed its M1 Macs with dual-boot or Boot Camp in mind. Craig Federighi, Appleโ€™s senior vice president of software engineering, has previously ruled out official support for natively booting alternate operating systems like Windows or Linux. Virtualization seems to be Appleโ€™s preferred method, but that hasnโ€™t stopped people from making their own ports.

submitted by /u/bmsahu
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