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📚 Model Trains Make a Pandemic Comeback - With Electronic Enhancements and Engineer Software

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
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The New York Times reports: Along with baking and jigsaw puzzles earlier in the pandemic, model trains are among the passions being rediscovered while people are cooped up indoors. Several companies that make trains are reporting jumps in sales. For many people, the chance to create a separate, better world in the living room — with stunning mountains, tiny chugging locomotives and communities of inch-high people where no one needs a mask — is hard to resist. "Outside, there is total chaos, but inside, around my little train set, it is quiet, it is picturesque," said Magnus Hellstrom, 48, a high school teacher in Sweden, who has indulged in his hobby while working from home during lockdowns. "It's a little piece of a perfect world," he said. The Times visits Märklin, the 162-year-old German maker of model trains, whose engines now include "tiny speakers that reproduce scores of digital chugging noises and whistles (recorded, if possible, from the original), and interior and exterior lights that can be controlled separately... Real steam coming out of the steam locomotives has been a feature for years." The company's owner tells the newspaper "What's really changed during the last 20 years is the focus on truly replicating the original." The trains can be controlled by computer console or by a phone app, with different trains on the same track going different speeds or traveling different circuits. Märklin even added the option of controlling the trains via train engineer simulator software, allowing devotees to control their little model train as though they were sitting in the engineer's chair. "It is a traditional toy that through digital functions, like sound and light, has become more and more like a real train," said Uwe Müller, who was a product manager at Märklin for 15 years and now runs the Märklineum, the company's museum. Just 12 years ago the company had declared bankruptcy. But now one 64-year-old employee (who's assembled models trains for the company for over 38 years) tells the Times "We're booming so much it's hard to keep up."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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