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๐Ÿ“š AMD struggles in laptops due to Intel's tight relationship with PC makers

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

While AMD processors are on the rise, the company still struggles to get its chip in laptops. It's not a conspiracy; it's just Intel does much more to help OEMs. Earlier this week, Samsung announced some stunning new Windows laptops. The company has made some excellent PCs in the past, but with its first-ever Galaxy Unpacked event dedicated to Windows, it is evident the South Korean company is raising the stakes this time. But it was on stage, and behind the scenes, that is the real story. Many AMD fans often wonder why PC makers ignore the Intel competitor for new laptops, as for some, AMD is the preferred choice. The reason is, as always, about money. But it is also about Intel (and Microsoft) working more closely with laptop makers so consumers get better devices. And it's working. Intel co-engineers (and gives support) Intel on stage with Samsung this week talking about its new laptops. Intel is not a dumb company, even if its processor strategy has slid in the past few yea... ...

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