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📚 Week in review: QNAP NAS ransomware, threat modeling, the realities of working in cybersecurity

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and interviews: Attackers can teach you to defend your organization against phishing Using the kill chain to assess how an attacker would approach your organization makes it easier to understand which steps, at a minimum, would need to be taken by an arbitrary attacker to succeed in a phishing attack against your company. QNAP NAS devices under ransomware attack QNAP NAS device owners … More

The post Week in review: QNAP NAS ransomware, threat modeling, the realities of working in cybersecurity appeared first on Help Net Security.


📌 Week in review: QNAP NAS ransomware, threat modeling, the realities of working in cybersecurity

📈 88.82 Punkte

📌 Threat Modeling the Internet of Things: Modeling Reaper

📈 34.73 Punkte

📌 The realities of working in and pursuing a career in cybersecurity

📈 33.07 Punkte

📌 Week in review: Uber hacked, QNAP NAS devices under attack, 5 Kali Linux books to read this year

📈 31.11 Punkte

📌 NAS: Qnap blendet Bannerwerbung auf eigenen NAS-Systemen ein

📈 27.56 Punkte

📌 AppSecCali 2019 - Threat Model Every Story: Practical Continuous Threat Modeling Work for Your Team

📈 26.81 Punkte

📌 OWASP Threat Dragon - Cross-Platform Threat Modeling Application

📈 26.81 Punkte

📌 Evolving Threat Modeling Through the Open Threat Model Format - Fraser Scott

📈 26.81 Punkte

📌 Tape-in-NAS-System als kombinierte NAS- und Backup-Plattform jetzt auch als Ti-NAS RT in ...

📈 26.41 Punkte

📌 Balancing Cybersecurity Practices With The Realities Of Healthcare Operations

📈 26.06 Punkte

📌 Balancing Cybersecurity Practices With The Realities Of Healthcare Operations

📈 26.06 Punkte

📌 Exploring the economic realities of cybersecurity insurance | Salted Hash Ep 43

📈 26.06 Punkte

📌 5G Myth Busting: Unpacking the Cybersecurity Risks and Realities

📈 26.06 Punkte

📌 7 Modern-Day Cybersecurity Realities

📈 26.06 Punkte

📌 Threat Modeling Processes and Methods That Strengthen Cybersecurity

📈 25.38 Punkte

📌 Review: Store all your files on the super-fast QNAP TS-431X3 NAS

📈 24.7 Punkte

📌 The science behind Microsoft Threat Protection: Attack modeling for finding and stopping evasive ransomware

📈 24.64 Punkte

📌 Week in review: COVID-19-related threats, cybersecurity implications of working remotely

📈 24.22 Punkte

📌 New eCh0raix Ransomware Brute-Forces QNAP NAS Devices

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 eCh0raix — New Ransomware Targets QNAP NAS Devices

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 Ongoing eCh0raix ransomware campaign targets QNAP NAS devices

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 QNAP NAS devices targeted in another wave of ransomware attacks

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 AgeLocker ransomware targets QNAP NAS devices, steals data

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 A new NAS Ransomware targets QNAP Devices

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 AgeLocker-Ransomware stiehlt Daten von QNAP-NAS-Geräten

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 Jetzt patchen! AgeLocker Ransomware hat es auf Qnap NAS abgesehen

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 Jetzt patchen! AgeLocker Ransomware hat es auf Qnap NAS abgesehen

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 QNAP tells NAS users to update firmware to avoid new type of ransomware

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 New QNAP NAS Flaws Exploited In Recent Ransomware Attacks - Patch It!

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 eCh0raix ransomware is back and targets QNAP NAS devices again

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 Files on QNAP NAS Devices Encrypted in Qlocker Ransomware Attacks

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 New Qlocker ransomware infected hundreds of QNAP NAS devices in a few days

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 QNAP NAS devices under ransomware attack

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 Qnap: NAS-Ransomware erpresst in wenigen Tagen 230.000 Euro

📈 22.89 Punkte

📌 QNAP warns of AgeLocker ransomware attacks on NAS devices

📈 22.89 Punkte
