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📚 Poettering: The Wondrous World of Discoverable GPT Disk Images

💡 Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

In a lengthy blog post, Lennart Poettering describes the advantages of using the unique IDs (UUIDs) and flags from the discoverable partitions specification to label the entries in a GUID Partition Table (GPT). That information can be used to tag disk images if a self-descriptive way, so that external configuration files (such as /etc/fstab) are not needed to assemble the filesystems for the running system. Systemd can use this information in a variety of ways, including for running the image in a container: "If a disk image follows the Discoverable Partition Specification then systemd-nspawn has all it needs to just boot it up. Specifically, if you have a GPT disk image in a file foobar.raw and you want to boot it up in a container, just run systemd-nspawn -i foobar.raw -b, and that's it (you can specify a block device like /dev/sdb too if you like). It becomes easy and natural to prepare disk images that can be booted either on a physical machine, inside a virtual machine manager or inside such a container manager: the necessary meta-information is included in the image, easily accessible before actually looking into its file systems." ...

📌 Poettering: The Wondrous World of Discoverable GPT Disk Images

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📌 The Wondrous World of Discoverable GPT Disk Images

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