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๐Ÿ“š It's probably the last time I've used Windows. I won't ever think to return here again.

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Back then I was the same Windows user as many - until I've decided to try Linux. And since I did that - I've got used to it and don't even think of returning back. Many useful features and functions are available here, I can print and scan documents and images, and do many things while using Linux.

Every time I've tried to use Windows, the problems started to haunt me and my computer. Linux system makes me feel a far better and more relaxed because it makes all things done. Now I'm hosting my web applications and projects here via Apache - and I'm really enjoying it.

I feel very much comfortable on Linux. And I don't even try to stop using it and go to the sloppy and unstable Windows 10. Now I don't regret my final departure from Windows and rightfully so.

What else I can't do on Linux?

  • Gaming: I still can play games on Steam, many of them are working fine here and running without errors. Of course there are some games like Sid Meier's Civilization 6 and Mortal Kombat XI that won't run here. After all, I can play online browser games of any choice.
  • Applications: I don't need Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop to create documents and edit pictures. GIMP is actually the same trash. On Linux I use alternatives like LibreOffice and KolourPaint - and if those corporate giants can't allow me to use their products, I feel absolutely free to use any existing alternatives and feel very proud of it.
  • Create a web server: Well, I can do it normally on Linux, so CASE CLOSED.
  • Multimedia: Why should I try to play music or watch video on buggy, clumpy Windows? I already have the experience on working with that system. Now only it's infamous with its BSOD but constantly hanging before launching your favorite app is not justifiable when you just want to forget about problems and enjoy your life. It shows that I've moved to Linux not without a reason.
  • Updates: they are really fast there and I don't really need to restart my computer. And if it was actual for Ubuntu, it's not to case of my current Linux system, Arch Linux.
  • Software Packages: I can really install any software I want here. After I've firstly moved to Linux, I forgot about using installers and uninstallers - I simply don't need them while I can install and remove any app via Terminal. What can be more simple that to type sudo pacman -Syu?
  • Terminal: With this handy and useful instrument I can do with my system what I want. It's really that easy to use commands to perform many tasks, unless I have to use web browser.

Microsoft has lately gave me warning that their future OS, Windows 11, won't run on my computer with slightly old hardware. And that was shown on my Windows 10 system (already deleted). With these marketing tricks, Microsoft urges us to buy a new hardware to use their newest system, but at what cost? What if I don't have enough money to do that or these actions will be downright wasteful and that doesn't cost my time and efforts? If that's what I have to do in order to get a fully-functional operating system of my dream then I want to say I don't want to be a part of it.

More advanced, educated and tech-savvy people don't use Windows. They know this system as a buggy, sloppy, bloated mess and a security hole. Many of them have Linux installed on their computer because they value this system for its stability and reliability. So do I.

The majority of web servers around the world use Linux - and that's how this system is unpopular just because it has such low market share? Come on, people. Good things are not supposed to be very popular or attainable to everyone. Think of it as a rare gem: you only have to search for it.

I'm really enjoying using Linux as my daily operating system - and so should you!

submitted by /u/holylance98
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