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๐Ÿ“š Technical feasibility of "borrowing" pieces from Windows to support Windows drivers - also apps, etc

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Hey! I know there will be a collective revulsion to this idea - please do try to keep an open mind and avoid dismissive, mean or otherwise unhelpful replies (this includes legal / license limits, "why would you", "just use x or y alternative"...)

Microsoft acts like the continued incorporation of open-source pieces into Windows is some sort of altruistic outreach - as I see it, it is more likely further attempts to prevent a migration away from their increasingly user-hostile, privacy-invading, dumpster-fire of an OS (since Windows 7).

So why don't we do something similar with Windows in Linux? (Using files from Windows, reverse-engineering, or even leveraging leaked source code *gasp*)

Since hardware manufacturers do not see huge profits in developing and maintaining high-quality, high-performance, feature-complete drivers for Linux... what would it take to enable the use of Windows drivers within Linux?

Additionally something similar to Wine with near-complete compatibility?

I see that others have asked similar questions around the web, and most responses are off-topic and dismissive. Yes, Linux and Windows are fundamentally different, but they run on the same underlying hardware with the same CPU. If we remove the bias and legal worries, what would it take? Is it really impossible? Is it really impossible to do in a performant-fashion? Is there anything in the leaked Windows XP source code that could be leveraged to accomplish this? (I know... forbidden fruit. Set that concern aside for the moment)

I doubt I have the coding prowess to actually do it, but I would like to know what the hurdles are - a guy can dream, right?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

submitted by /u/jmpz11
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