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๐Ÿ“š Windows 11 has a lot to love so far (and a few things to hate)

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Windows 11 has been in testing for about a month, which is enough time to fall in love with a few things and learn to hate a few more. Windows 11 entered public testing last month. Several of our writers here at Windows Central downloaded the first public preview build of Windows 11 and have tried the operating system out since. There are several things we love about the new OS and some things that we either hate or just aren't too fond of. Windows 11 isn't finished, but it's far enough along that we can assess some key areas that draw out some passion. I reached out to the team to get their thoughts on Windows 11 so far. Love: Delightful design improvements While Windows 11 isn't completely finished, it brings a long list of overhauled, improved, and tweaked design elements. It's not just about rounded corners, though those are quite popular. More uniform context menus, a design language that extends across several parts of the OS, and the modernization of Windows are part of ... ...

๐Ÿ“Œ Windows 11 has a lot to love so far (and a few things to hate)

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