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๐Ÿ“š What am I doing wrong?

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Hi! Im a long time windows user . But I've been trying to shift to Linux (have tried Ubuntu , Mint , Fedora) . Anyways everytime I shift IDK what I do wrong , but mostly a perfectly working pc goes to shit . Same issues never happen when I am on windows . Ive always liked Linux and as a developer work with it to some extent , and in some places it is the requirement too .

So this time I thought let's give it another try. Installed Fedora . It ran mighty fine . I settuped everything , and things looked right . Then it crashed on day 2 . Good . Tutorial helped , got it back working again , it's a minor inconvenience , on the brighter side I did learn new things . But it kept happening , some new issues happening once in a while . Today was the straw , everything ran fine until I rebooted cause something wasn't working and I thought rebooting might help . Now I am locked out of my computer and none of the tutorials I follow seem to work . I am not understanding what am I doing wrong ? Am I too stupid for Linux ? Or it's just not my thing . Windows works well or most probably years of experience working with windows made it easy to debug and fix .

I need help , I really wanna shift to windows cause no matter how praised WSL2 IS , it's still not as good as the raw Linux . How should I approach this ?

submitted by /u/kawaiibeans101
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