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📚 EDF Under Scrutiny Over Cybersecurity Record

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

UK nuclear regulators step up monitoring of French giant EDF’s cybersecurity measures ...

📌 EDF Under Scrutiny Over Cybersecurity Record

📈 73.54 Punkte

📌 Atomkraft: EDF gibt AKW Dungeness B auf

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 Frankreich will AKW-Betreiber EDF jetzt komplett verstaatlichen

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 17,9 Milliarden Euro Verlust: Französischer Stromkonzern EDF schreibt historisch schlechtes Ergebnis

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 Elektromobilität: EDF baut Ladesäulen an McDonalds-Restaurants​ in Frankreich

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 Atomkraft: EDF kalkuliert angeblich mit 30 Prozent höheren Kosten für neue AKW

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 Atomkraft: EDF darf Flamanville 3 beladen und muss Reaktordeckel wechseln

📈 28.37 Punkte

📌 A software flaw in huawei laptops adds to the scrutiny the company is facing over security. cybersecurity infosec

📈 27.86 Punkte

📌 A software flaw in huawei laptops adds to the scrutiny the company is facing over security. cybersecurity infosec

📈 27.86 Punkte

📌 Sneaky Web Tracking Technique Under Heavy Scrutiny by GDPR

📈 25.97 Punkte

📌 ATMs and MPOS Devices Under Scrutiny as New Vulnerabilities Found • Digit

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📌 APT10 Under Close Scrutiny as Potentially Linked to Chinese Ministry of State Security

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📌 Google reportedly under antitrust scrutiny for new internet encryption protocol

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📌 Tax agreement between Apple and Cupertino under scrutiny from California regulators

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📌 Boeing Cockpit Recorder Data Loss (By Design) Under Scrutiny

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📌 Video Game Loot Boxes Under Scrutiny By 16 Gambling Regulators

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📌 Twitter Reportedly Under Scrutiny for GDPR Violations, Faces €20 Million Fine

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📌 Do Elephants Belong In Zoos? Extinction Policy Under Scrutiny

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📌 Google acquisition of Britain’s Cloud Data Firm Looker under scrutiny

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📌 Is Your On-Premises Existence Under Scrutiny? VMware Cloud on Dell EMC Offers a Solution

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📌 Zoom Under Increased Scrutiny As Popularity Soars

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📌 Apple's Limits on Third-Party 'Find My' Integration Under Scrutiny

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📌 President Biden’s Peloton exercise equipment under scrutiny

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📌 Apple and Google Come Under Scrutiny For Scammy Crypto Apps

📈 25.97 Punkte

📌 Apple and Google Come Under Scrutiny For Scammy Crypto Apps

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📌 Progress Software Under Legal and Financial Scrutiny After MOVEit Incident

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📌 Apple’s ‘carbon neutral’ claims come under scrutiny as EU seeks to clamp down on ‘greenwashing’

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📌 Boardroom cyber expertise comes under scrutiny

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📌 Apple's Decision To Drop iPhone Web Apps Comes Under Scrutiny in the EU

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📌 Microsoft’s AI deal with Inflection AI under FTC antitrust scrutiny

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📌 TripAdvisor May Face FTC Scrutiny Over Rapes, Deaths Deleted From Reviews

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📌 Google faces scrutiny from Congress, DOJ over plans to encrypt DNS

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📌 Google faces scrutiny from Congress, DOJ over plans to encrypt DNS

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📌 Google Faces UK Scrutiny Over New Advertising Data Revamp

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