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📚 hfetch, yet another fetch written in bash with fortune.

💡 Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
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submitted by /u/gentoo-btw
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📌 hfetch, yet another fetch written in bash with fortune.

📈 110.46 Punkte

📌 niieani/bash-oo-framework: Bash Infinity is a modern boilerplate / framework / standard library for bash

📈 30.59 Punkte

📌 Bash Scripting - BASH Scripts For Heavy Commandline Users [Bash Snippets]

📈 30.59 Punkte

📌 Bash Scripting - BASH Scripts For Heavy Commandline Users [Bash Snippets]

📈 30.59 Punkte

📌 Back to bash: Inception, running bash inside bash

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📌 How to fetch and play a mp3 from AI voices with the web Fetch API

📈 30.18 Punkte

📌 How to Fetch Data from an API Using the Fetch API in JavaScript

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📌 Awesome Fetch - Command-line fetch tools for system/other information

📈 30.18 Punkte

📌 TightRope Media Carousel up to 7.1.2 Fetch API CarouselAPI/v0/fetch url Server-Side Request Forgery

📈 30.18 Punkte

📌 awesome-fetch - Awesome system information command-line fetch tools

📈 30.18 Punkte

📌 shutthefetchup - A minimal fetch tool to tell all users who posts those annoying fetch BS on r/linux to shut the fuck up.

📈 30.18 Punkte

📌 fetchfetch - fetch to fetch fetches (inspired by shutthefetchup)

📈 30.18 Punkte

📌 This Week In React #183: Vercel Edge, React Native 0.74 + IDE, refs, patching fetch(), Remix Single Fetch...

📈 30.18 Punkte

📌 Bash Script Include Another Bash Script

📈 28.91 Punkte

📌 humungus — an hg server written in Go, supports `go get`, written by a core OpenBSD developer

📈 26.26 Punkte

📌 We know that Linux was written in C but on what platform was it written?

📈 26.26 Punkte

📌 Another day, another update, another iPhone lockscreen bypass

📈 25.54 Punkte

📌 [OC] Neofetch - A CLI system information tool written in BASH - Version 4.0.0 released.

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 [OC] [WIP] pxltrm - A pixel art editor for the terminal written in pure bash.

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 Torque - A TUI client for transmission written in pure bash.

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 fff - a terminal file manager written in bash

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 Bashark- Post Exploitation Toolkit Written in Pure Bash

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 fff - A terminal file manager written in bash. Version 1.0 released. Full rewrite, supports LS_COLORS

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 fff - A simple terminal file manager written in bash - Version 2.0 released!

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 ytp - CLI youtube searcher (written in bash)

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 Tormix - a terminal user interface for the transmission-cli written in bash

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 Introducing ksw: a daemonizable VPN killswitch for NetworkManager with DNS and IPv6 leak protection written in Bash [OC]

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 knaur: a simple, hackable AUR helper written in bash.

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 Obscure Scripts - including Harry Potter parody fan fiction written in Bash

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 Very customizable and minimal font previewer written in bash

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 Bashtop: Linux resource monitor written only in Bash script

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 ucollage: a terminal image viewer based on Überzug written in bash

📈 23.32 Punkte

📌 Commandline Youtube video search and play utility written in bash [NO API]

📈 23.32 Punkte
