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📚 Alameda Wallets Become Active Days After SBF Bail, Community Mulls Foul Play

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
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The crypto wallets associated with now-bankrupt trading firm Alameda Research, the sister company of FTX, were seen transferring out funds just days after the former CEO Sam Bankman Fried was released on a $250 million bond. CoinTelegraph reports: The transfer of funds from Alameda wallets raised community curiosity, but more than that, the way in which these funds were transferred grabbed the community's attention. The Alameda wallet was found to be swapping bits of ERC-20s for Ether/Tether, and then the ETH and USDT were funneled through instant exchangers and mixers. For example, a wallet address that starts with 0x64e9 received over 600 ETH from wallets that belong to Alameda, part of it was swapped to USDT while the other part of the transaction was sent to ChangeNow. On-chain analyst ZachXBT noted that the Alameda wallet was eventually swapping the funds for Bitcoin using decentralized exchanges such as FixedFloat and ChangeNow. These platforms are often used by hackers and exploiters to hide their transaction routes. Many speculated that the pattern in which these funds are being swapped looks like an exploiter, but given Bankman-Fried's known criminal past now, many speculated it could be an insider job to take out whatever is left in those wallets. Others questioned the bail conditions and asked why was he given access to the internet. One user wrote that the former CEO was "desperately trying to funnel money out," adding, "why did his bail condition include no computer/internet access?"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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