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📚 Replit Radio!

💡 Newskategorie: Programmierung
🔗 Quelle:

Replit now has a radio! For those that don’t know, replit is an online IDE that is widely popular, with over 10 MILLION users! It’s a shockingly high amount, and now, theres an online radio station for it! I’m so happy to do it. CALLING ALL REPLIT USERS: If you use replit and you want to make a script for a show, just send it to me at [email protected] and it will be read by ai and played on the show! Your show will be accepted or denied depending on if it’s appropriate or not, as well as some other reasons, so just consider what you want to do! Hope you decide to make a show! By the way, the link is here (click this). If you can’t click the link, it’s Well, thats all! So, Grey out!


📌 Replit Radio!

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📌 80m Amateur Radio AM on a CB Radio PART 1

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