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📚 XRDP with H.264 codec brings immense performance boost

💡 Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Not long ago I came across an experimental branch of XRDP that enables the H.264 RemoteFX codec. While this is primarily meant to benefit machines with GPU hardware, I've noticed performance using the x264+Mesa software pipeline still far exceeds performance next to 'stock' XRDP.

The difference is stunning in my tests using KDE and XFCE. You can turn on desktop composition, enable transparency/effects and session windows are still snappy with low latency. Scroll/resize lag is gone. Basic 3D games like TuxRacer are now playable.

It works with mstsc.exe (Set 32-bit color + LAN link) as well as the macOS RDP client. I have not tested other clients but freerdp should work as well.

There is a PPA for Ubuntu Jammy/Kinetic and these sources rebuild easily for Debian or Kali. Apparently this will get merged into XRDP -main one day, but will take time due to many changes in the underlying code.

If you thought RDP on Linux was slow, I highly recommend trying out this branch of XRDP.

submitted by /u/desktopecho
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