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๐Ÿ“š Google GEMINI AI LEAKED: 4 Upcoming Features For 2024 | Stubbs, Makersuite, Genie, AlphaFold

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Author: AI News - Bewertung: 5x - Views:37

In a series of groundbreaking developments, Google's 'Gemini', a multimodal AI, is set to revolutionize Makersuite by enabling users to create AI-generated app prototypes through 'Stubbs', while Google DeepMind's next-gen AlphaFold is transforming structural biology with its ability to predict molecular structures with atomic precision. Simultaneously, Luma AI's 'Genie' is disrupting the 3D content creation landscape by allowing users to generate 3D models from text commands on Discord, heralding a new era of accessibility and creativity in virtual production and gaming industries. These innovations collectively signify a leap forward in AI's role across various sectors, reshaping the way we interact with technology and unlocking new possibilities in digital creativity and scientific research. Deep Learning AI Specialization: AI Marketplace: AI news timestamps: 0:00 Google Gemini AI leaks 3:35 Luma AI's text to 3D Genie 5:40 Google Deepmind AlphaFold #ai #technology #tech


๐Ÿ“Œ Google GEMINI AI LEAKED: 4 Upcoming Features For 2024 | Stubbs, Makersuite, Genie, AlphaFold

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