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๐Ÿ“š raid 5 array shows different sizes each way of checking it.

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

5ea 14Tb drives. I expect 4*14=56Tb of usable. In reality it's 12.7Tb*4- 50.8Tb usable

lsblk says 50.9T

df -h says 39T

Sonarr says 38

mdadm -D says `Array Size : 54689009664 (50.93 TiB 56.00 TB)'

and `Used Dev Size : 13672252416 (12.73 TiB 14.00 TB)`

I did add one drive recently(ish) and grow the filesystem, or I thought I did.

when I do mdadm --grow /dev.md0 --size --sexe=max, i get:

`component size of /dev/md0 unchanged at 13672252416K`

does anyone know why this is happening or where to start to fix this?

It seems like the filesystem is just not growing as lsblk sees all the space, no?

submitted by /u/ObedientBabe
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