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📚 Set and Map in JavaScript: A Close Look

💡 Newskategorie: Programmierung
🔗 Quelle:

In the world of JavaScript, there are several ways to handle and organize data, with arrays and objects being the most popular. However, ES6 (the sixth edition of the ECMAScript standard) introduced two useful data structures: Set and Map. These structures offer unique advantages that can be indispensable in specific scenarios.


📌 Table of Contents

  • What is a Set?
    • Creating a Set
    • Adding Values to a Set
    • Checking the Size of a Set
    • Checking if a Value Exists in a Set
    • Removing Values
    • Iterating Over a Set
  • What is a Map?
    • Creating a Map
    • Setting Key-Value Pairs
    • Getting Values
    • Checking the Size of a Map
    • Checking if a key Exists in a Map
    • Removing Key-Value Pairs
    • Iterating Over a Map
  • Set vs. Array: When to Use Which?
  • Map vs. Object: When to Use Which?
  • Wrapping Up


What is a Set?


A Set in JavaScript is a collection of values where each value must be unique. This means no duplicate values are allowed. The values can be of any type, and the order of values in the set does not matter.


Creating a Set


Creating a set is simple. Use the new keyword followed by Set().

let mySet = new Set()

// console.log(mySet) 
// Output: Set(0) {}


Adding Values to a Set


We can add values to a set using the add method:


// console.log(mySet) 
// Output: Set(3) { 1, 5, 'JavaScript' }


Checking the Size of a Set


To check how many elements are in a Set, use the size property:

console.log(mySet.size) // Output: 3


Checking if a Value Exists in a Set


To check if a value is in a Set, use the has method:

console.log(mySet.has(1)) // Output: true
console.log(mySet.has(2)) // Output: false


Removing Values


Remove a specific element with the delete method:


Or clear the entire Set with the clear method:



Iterating Over a Set


We can iterate over the values of a Set using for...of loop:

for (let item of mySet) {

Or using forEach method:

mySet.forEach((value) => {


What is a Map?


A Map is a collection of key-value pairs, similar to an object, but with a few key differences. In a Map, keys can be of any data type, not just strings or Symbols. Also, maps maintain the order of insertion, which isn't guaranteed in plain objects.


Creating a Map


To create a Map, we can use the new keyword, optionally passing an array of key-value pairs:

let myMap = new Map()

// console.log(myMap) 
// Output: Map(0) {}


Setting Key-Value Pairs


Use the set method to add key-value pairs to the Map:

myMap.set('name', 'JavaScript')
myMap.set(1, 'ES6')
myMap.set(true, 'boolean')

// console.log(myMap) 
// Output: Map(3) { 'name' => 'JavaScript', 1 => 'ES6', true => 'boolean' }


Getting Values


Retrieve a value by key using the get method:

console.log(myMap.get('name')) // Output: 'JavaScript'


Checking the Size of a Map


Similar to Set, Map have a size property:

console.log(myMap.size) // Output: 3


Checking if a key Exists in a Map


Check for the existence of a key using has:

console.log(myMap.has('name')) // Output: true


Removing Key-Value Pairs


Remove a specific key-value pair with the delete method:


Or clear the entire Map with the clear method:



Iterating Over a Map


Iterate through a Map's keys, values, or entries with the keys, values, and entries methods, respectively:

for (let key of myMap.keys()) {

for (let value of myMap.values()) {

for (let [key, value] of myMap.entries()) {
  console.log(key, value)

We can also use the forEach method:

myMap.forEach((value, key) => {
  console.log(key, value);


Set vs. Array: When to Use Which?


Understanding when to use a Set instead of an Array can be crucial for both the performance and clarity of our code. While both can store collections of values, they serve different purposes.



If our primary concern is to prevent duplicate values, a Set automatically ensures that all elements are unique. With an Array, we would have to manually check for duplicates before adding a new element.



When it comes to performance, especially for large collections of data, Set is more performant for checking the existence of an element within it. This is because Set is implemented with efficient data structures under the hood that allow for faster lookup.


Map vs. Object: When to Use Which?


While Map and Object in JavaScript can appear to serve similar functions as collections of key-value pairs, there are significant differences that could affect which one we should use.


Key Flexibility

Map accepts keys of any data type, whereas an Object only accepts Strings and Symbols as keys.


Iteration Order

Map maintains the order of elements as they were inserted, while the order of keys in a plain object is not guaranteed.


Size Determination


A Map directly provides the size property, making it easy to determine the number of key-value pairs. With an Object, we would typically use Object.keys(obj).length, which is less direct.



For frequent additions and removals of key-value pairs, Map is more performant than using an Object.


Wrapping Up


Both Set and Map are robust constructs in JavaScript that can greatly enhance the way we work with collections of data. With the knowledge of how to utilize these structures, we'll be able to write cleaner, more efficient code.


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