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📚 Switched completely to Mint and liking it very much but sadly have to move back to my toxic ex Windows 11

💡 Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Mint is running extremely well on my new laptop and surprisingly battery is also lasting for a long time just like it did on windows while consuming way less resources. Flatpaks definitely feel superior and polished. Updating system, drivers and apps in mint feels hundred times better than opening that laggy Microsoft Store full of ads. It's also quite peaceful to use Libre productivity apps instead of MS ones which keep reminding to upgrade to premium service and save files on Onedrive. It's ironic to see Linux haters comments on mint looking outdated and boring compared to Windows but when I browse through the Windows subreddit, I can see so many people complaining about silly UI designs created by Microsoft. The recent 23H2 update brings a new file explorer tab which being disliked by so many users. To me mint always feels simple yet modern.

The reason I need to switch back to Windows is not because I'm doing my master's and need MS apps. Infact, I have experienced that I feel more productive on mint doing my university work. My laptop has an OLED display and that is a curse in disguise. The ASUS app on Windows had an option of pixel shifting that significantly helps to delay or even avoid the pixel burning in the long run. I'm worried this is not possible in mint. Another challenge that I encountered is the display in mint keeps flickering especially when emulating grey colours. This puts so much strain on my eyes that leads to headache. I didn't have this issue on Windows as the screen was calibrated well with ASUS app and had many customisation. The scrolling experience through touchpad in Mint is absolutely inferior to Windows. It's not like I didn't try changing the default settings. I tried playing around with touchpad scroll sensitivity and pixels changing but still it didn't feel like it did on Windows. A mouse does solve the problem but I can't use it most of the times.

As I'm a reasearch student who needs to view lengthy videos, read huge books and research papers from different journals, I just can't do these things efficiently with the problems I explained above. It looks like I have to abandon my new soulmate and go back to my toxic ex.

submitted by /u/simply_amazzing
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📌 Switched completely to Mint and liking it very much but sadly have to move back to my toxic ex Windows 11

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