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๐Ÿ“š Why piracy is justified sometimes

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Hi everyone. Something just happened that just made my blood boil lol. Some of you probably know about this but it was a surprise for me.
So, a family member asked for help buying something from amazon for Christmas and i offered to buy it myself from my account.
When checking out, they offered me a month of free amazon prime, so I wanted to finally watch the second season of Invincible and decided to try out their streaming platform amazon prime video, thinking that the quality would be incredible.

I set the quality settings to the best possible and wait a few minutes so that the platform can buffer, hoping the quality would get better. I'm talking 480p (at best quality settings). After searching around for a bit i found out that amazon purposefully limits the quality of their service to linux users and this shit is what makes me so fcking mad, its down right disrespectful. Why would they go out of their way to make this service unusable for us??
What is even more annoying is that even with a custom agent string set to chrome on windows, their platform still detects my OS and restricts the quality.
So i gave up (after an hour of messing around trying to enjoy a paid service) and after 1 minute I entered the first piracy website i found in a subreddid and I get perfect 1080p with no buffering.

This is absolutely hilarious to me, how can i get a better experience by pirating instead of using a service i pay for?

submitted by /u/benji041800
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