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📚 How I Won Singapore’s GPT-4 Prompt Engineering Competition

💡 Newskategorie: AI Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

A deep dive into the strategies and takeaways I learned along the way


📌 How I Won Singapore’s GPT-4 Prompt Engineering Competition

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📌 Can GPT 4 Prompt Itself? MemoryGPT, AutoGPT, Jarvis, Claude-Next [10x GPT 4!] and more...

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📌 Unlocking the Power of Chat GPT: A Comprehensive Guide to Prompt Engineering Excellence.

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📌 10 Secret GPT-4 Tips And Tricks (How To Use GPT-4)(GPT-4 Tutorial)

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📌 Updates für GPT-3 und GPT-4: GPT im Geschwindigkeitsrausch

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📌 What does GPT stand for? Understanding GPT 3.5, GPT 4, and more

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📌 OpenAI: Keine Suche, kein GPT-5, aber GPT-4o für ChatGPT und GPT-4

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📌 GPT-6 SHOCKS Everyone With NEW ABILITIES! (GPT5, GPT-6, GPT-7) Document Reveals ALL!

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📌 The Evolution of the GPT Series: A Deep Dive into Technical Insights and Performance Metrics From GPT-1 to GPT-4o

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📌 From Prompt Engineering to Agent Engineering

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📌 Exklusive Edition BMW M4 Competition Coupé - 150 Exemplare limitierte BMW M4 Competition x KITH

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📌 DuckDuckGo Says Google’s Competition Practices Actually Hurt Competition

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📌 Difference between Perfect Competition and Monopolistic Competition

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📌 Expand local discovery in Singapore with augmented reality in Google Maps | Singapore Tourism Board

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📌 Medium CVE-2020-7602: Node-prompt-here project Node-prompt-here

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📌 Simple Bash Prompt – a fast, pretty, extendable and pure bash prompt

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📌 Minimalist Prompt, a simple and lightning fast, yet, feature rich, bash prompt!

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📌 ChatGPT: Prompt Writer und Prompt Engineers verdienen bis zu 335.000 Dollar im Jahr

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📌 Prompt Like a Data Scientist: Auto Prompt Optimization and Testing with DSPy

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📌 How To Use Claude 3 Prompt Engineer Anthropic Console AutoPrompter (Custom Prompt Engineer)

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📌 OpenAI unveils new ‘GPT-4o’ AI model amid increasing competition

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📌 Singapore to distribute wearable contact-tracing device and won't rule out making it compulsory

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📌 GPT-3 'prompt injection' attack causes bad bot manners

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📌 Protecting against Prompt Injection in GPT

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📌 Inside GPT — II. Why exactly does your prompt matter?

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📌 r2d2: radare2 plugin for GPT-4 solves a crackme with just 1 prompt

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📌 Twitter Pranksters Derail GPT-3 Bot With Newly Discovered 'Prompt Injection' Hack

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📌 I Turned ChatGPT into Auto-GPT in 1 Prompt

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📌 GPT-4 + Stable-Diffusion = ?: Enhancing Prompt Understanding of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Large Language Models

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📌 Copilot GPT Builder lets users create AI models with a single prompt

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📌 promptrefiner: using GPT-4 to create perfect system prompt

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📌 How to access Command Prompt when Windows 10 won’t boot

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📌 How to access Command Prompt when Windows 10 won’t boot

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