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📚 Surge in Open Source Malware Stealing Login Credentials & Sensitive Data

💡 Newskategorie: Hacking
🔗 Quelle:

Over the decade, Python has been dominating the programming languages and consistently growing with open-source love.  Numerous popular Python projects exist that are used by millions of users. However, besides this, in recent times, it’s been noted that open-source malware is emerging. The recent repositories share Python code for data theft, and minimal Python knowledge […]

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📌 Surge in Open Source Malware Stealing Login Credentials & Sensitive Data

📈 65.81 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-9476 | Arris TG1692A Login Page /login Credentials insufficiently protected credentials

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📌 CVE-2024-2265 | keerti1924 PHP-MYSQL-User-Login-System 1.0 login.sql sensitive information in source

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