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📚 Silk.NET Community Meeting & API Review

💡 Newskategorie: Video | Youtube
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Author: .NET Foundation - Bewertung: 19x - Views:614

Join the Silk.NET team on 19 Nov 19:00 UTC for a community meeting as they discuss & review designs for a complete rewrite! Have you used Silk .NET or a similar library, or interested in .NET graphics/compute? Tune into this stream and give the team your thoughts! 0:00 - Stream starts 13:32 - Versioning Updates 20:21 - Managed Structure Chaining 55:25 - 3.0 Bindings/SilkTouch 2:37:22 - Generic Maths We will be reviewing the following proposals: - Minor update to versioning rules for 3.0: (champion: khitiara) - Managed Structure Chain Revisions: (champion: khitiara) - Generation of Library Sources and P/Invoke Mechanisms (aka SilkTouchX): (champion: Perksey) - Generic Maths: (champion uwx/Curin) GitHub: Discord:


📌 Silk.NET Community Meeting & API Review

📈 50.67 Punkte

📌 TIBCO FTP Community Edition up to 6.5.0 on Windows Server/C API/Golang API/Java API/.Net API access control

📈 35.37 Punkte

📌 Live Now: .NET Community Standup - May 16th 2019 - Build 2019 Recap for .NET Developers | .NET Community Standups

📈 31.02 Punkte

📌 ASP.NET Community Standup - June 4th, 2019 - gRPC with the gRPC Team | .NET Community Standups

📈 25.2 Punkte

📌 .NET MAUI Community Standup - .NET Conf Recap and .NET MAUI Updates

📈 24.25 Punkte

📌 Microsoft .NET Maze: Understand .NET Core Vs .NET Framework Vs ASP.NET

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📌 Revitalizing Legacy .NET Apps: Upgrading From .NET 4.7 to .NET 7 With the .NET Upgrade Assistant Tool

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📌 Armis übernimmt Silk Security und verbessert Armis Centrix -

📈 21.54 Punkte

📌 Bugtraq: Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Meeting Server and Meeting App Buffer Underflow Vulnerability

📈 21.46 Punkte

📌 Vuln: Cisco Meeting Server and Meeting App CVE-2016-6447 Buffer Underflow Vulnerability

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📌 Cisco WebEx Meeting Center Meeting Handler User Information Disclosure

📈 21.46 Punkte

📌 Cisco WebEx Meeting Center Meeting Handler User Information Disclosure

📈 21.46 Punkte

📌 Bugtraq: Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Meeting Server and Meeting App Buffer Underflow Vulnerability

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📌 Vuln: Cisco Meeting Server and Meeting App CVE-2016-6447 Buffer Underflow Vulnerability

📈 21.46 Punkte

📌 Cisco Meeting Server/Meeting App IPv6 Underflow memory corruption

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📌 Cisco Meeting Server/Meeting App IPv6 Handler Underflow Pufferüberlauf

📈 21.46 Punkte

📌 Cisco Meeting Server/Meeting App IPv6 Underflow memory corruption

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📌 IBM Sametime Meeting Server 8.5.2/9.0 Meeting Report History information disclosure

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📌 The UK Cabinet is meeting on Zoom… here’s the meeting ID

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📌 Missed a meeting invite? How to manually send a Teams meeting link

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📌 Cisco Webex Meeting Scheduled Meeting Template Request access control

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📌 Cisco Webex Meeting Scheduled Meeting Template Request access control

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📌 Cisco Meeting Server/Meeting App IPv6 Handler Underflow Pufferüberlauf

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📌 “At-Risk Meeting Notifier Zoom” feature alerts meeting organizers of Zoombombing risk

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📌 Zoom-Meeting erstellen: Der Weg zum eigenen Zoom-Meeting

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📌 Digitale Meeting-Tools: Warum wir eine neue Meeting-Kultur brauchen

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📌 How to use a Zoom meeting code to join a meeting

📈 21.46 Punkte

📌 IBM Sametime Meeting Server 8.5.2/9.0 Meeting Report History Information Disclosure

📈 21.46 Punkte

📌 Protected: Improve your Meeting Minutes with Airgram AI Meeting Assistant App

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📌 CVE-2024-24691 | Zoom Desktop Client/VDI Client/Meeting SDK/Rooms Client Zoom Meeting input validation

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📌 .NET MAUI Community Standup - It's MAUI month! Stories from migrating the Xamarin Community Toolkit

📈 19.37 Punkte

📌 Xamarin: .NET Community Standup - June 11th 2020 - Build 2020 Recap + .NET MAUI

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📌 .NET MAUI Community Standup - .NET MAUI LAUNCH PARTY!!!!

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📌 .NET MAUI Community Standup - Dmitry Lyalin warms us up to .NET Hot Reload. Plus: Sweeky!

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📌 .NET MAUI Community Standup - Get to MAUI with the .NET Upgrade Assistant feat. Sweeky!

📈 18.43 Punkte
