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๐Ÿ“š The Chinese Cipher ShฤngMรฌ 4 (SM4 ,ๅ•†ๅฏ†4) Explained

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: IT Security Video
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Author: Cryptography for Everybody - Bewertung: 2x - Views:10

#cryptology, #cryptography, #cryptanalysis In this video I explain the SM4 cipher, the Chinese standard block cipher with a 128-bit block and key size. It covers the cipher's fundamental elements, the encryption process, and how you can use it in CrypTool 2. If you are interested in learning the fundaments of cryptology, let me invite you to have a look at our video series about the basics of cryptology, also for beginners: You can download the latest version of CrypTool 2 from here: Visit my blog: Join Discord server:


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