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๐Ÿ“š Sentiment Analysis: How Amazon Aurora Machine Learning and Comprehend Can Revolutionize Customer Review Analysis

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Sentiment analysis can be used to determine what people think about the products or services they use. Human emotions in customer reviews captured as text data can be examined and interpreted by natural language processing algorithms (NLP). Organizations that understand the value of sentiment analysis can use it effectively to gauge customer satisfaction, tailor their offerings, and improve their services based on real feedback.

In the world of e-commerce and online services, customer reviews contain tons of information about their behavior. A detailed analysis of these reviews can reveal important information on the tastes and habits of customers, the features they find useful, and whether a product or service fits into their lifestyle. Sentiment analysis is the process of scanning these reviews and categorizing them as positive, negative, neutral, or mixed. The process of sentiment analysis thus allows organizations to understand customer views at scale enabling them to respond to market trends and stay ahead of potential competition.


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