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๐Ÿ“š Is the Go Programming Language Surging in Popularity?

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

The Tiobe index tries to gauge the popularity of programming languages based on search results for courses, programmers, and third-party vendors, according to InfoWorld. And by that criteria, "Google's Go language, or golang, has reached its highest position ever..." The language, now in the eighth ranked position for language popularity, has been on the rise for several years.... In 2015, Go hit position #122 in the TIOBE index and all seemed lost," said Paul Jansen, CEO of Tiobe. "One year later, Go adopted a very strict 'half-a-year' release cycle โ€” backed up by Google. Every new release, Go improved... Nowadays, Go is used in many software fields such as back-end programming, web services and APIs," added Jansen... Elsewhere in the February release of Tiobe's index, Google's Carbon language, positioned as a successor to C++, reached the top 100 for the first time. Python is #1 on both TIOBE's index and the alternative Pypl Popularity of Programming Language index, which InfoWorld says "assesses language popularity based on how often language tutorials are searched on in Google." But the two lists differ on whether Java and JavaScript are more popular than C-derived languages โ€” and which languages should then come after them. (Go ranks #12 on the Pypl index...) TIOBE's calculation of the 10 most-popular programming languages: Python C C++ Java C# JavaScript SQL Go Visual Basic PHP Pypl's calculation of the 10 most-popular programming languages: Python Java JavaScript C/C++ C# R PHP TypeScript Swift Objective-C

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