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๐Ÿ“š Breaching the Perimeter via Cloud Synchronized Browser Settings

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: IT Security Video
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Author: Black Hat - Bewertung: 8x - Views:348

Cloud synchronized browser settings provide consistent configurations between devices. A considerable number of these features directly affect the security of the browser. If a cloud-synched browser session is compromised, it is trivial to extract passwords and credit card information, but it can also be leveraged in unexpected ways such as forcing users to browse to malicious URLs. This functionally allows you to bypass the social engineering portion of cracking the perimeter by guaranteeing your malicious links are always clicked. However, that is just the start of the harm that can be done via synchronized browser sessions. In this presentation, I will demonstrate novel techniques to leverage these settings to wreak havoc against an internal network, including credential theft, compromising of local data, downloading and executing malicious files, and automatically triggering protocol handlers... By: Edward Prior Full Abstract and Presentation Materials:


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