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📚 This Terrifying Alex Jones Prediction Just Came True

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Author: Anonymous Official - Bewertung: 9138x - Views:121954

This Terrifying Alex Jones Prediction Just Came True EVENTS WORLD EARTH SECRETS Every farmer is warning us from every field on God’s green Earth. A reckoning is imminent. Lead by Famine, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are galloping on the horizon. Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum have escalated their w*r on food, ordering world governments to replace human farmers with AI-controlled so-called “smart farming.” According to Bill Gates, who suddenly and unexpectedly became America’s largest owner of farmland last year, farmers are now part of the “useless class” of humans and need to be phased out and replaced with controllable AI technology to fight climate change and improve the state of the world. But unfortunately for Gates, we have stone-cold proof that he is not “supporting” work on agriculture for the benefit of the world at large. On the contrary, Gates is attempting to seize control of the global food supply and hold humanity to ransom, for his own benefit and the benefit of his globalist collaborators. Newsletter (subscribe): Speakers Jon Bowne, The People's Voice anonymous message alert events world news current events end times prophecy mystery hidden truth earth proof footage america united states emp blackout secrets experiment humanity travel elon musk donald trump ai technology that is impossible 2024 today the past week or so #economy #American #interview #future @RedactedNews


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