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๐Ÿ“š What is some programs you use on the daily that others might not heard of

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

What is some programs you use on the daily that others might not heard of.

tools that helps you on the daily, media software for your collection, ect.


I'm a KDE user and I use wallpaper engine for KDE for animated wallpapers.

I also use guiscrcpy to access my phone use my phone when I'm at my desk.

I use Droid cam so I can use my old phone As a wireless webcam.
I use web cord when I need to share my screen on discord (until discord support wayland and I think it brakes TOS)
I use Lollypop Lollypop for my music and Jellyfin everything else in my media collection
Last but not least TestDisk. TestDisk is a data recovery program that I rarely use that I thought I should bring up

submitted by /u/Ok_Entertainment3220
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