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๐Ÿ“š Use a Simple Bash Script to Resize Your Images Quickly and Easily

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

I just wanted to start out by saying that this is an abridged version of my original published version from March 10, 2021 that you can find on my website here.

When curating the images for my website I was original only using Preview and then sped up my process with ImageMagickยฎ commands through my terminal which I published a post about earlier. I then realized why not go even further and put together a simple bash script to quickly resize, compress, and rename a copy of each of those images before uploading them to my blog. This is what I'm sharing here!

The full iterative process of this including an overview of the script and a detailed view is on my website in my original post so I'll jump ahead and share my final script here.... after linking the script that's part of my public SimplyKyraBlog project here. And here it is!


# Confirm the proper argument was given; otherwise a blank argument would send you to the home directory
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo "Please call this script with a single argument giving me the path of the directory you want to run this in. If it has spaces please put it in double quotes."
    exit 1
elif [ ! -e "$1" ]; then 
    echo "Directory doesn't exist. Please pass in a valid directory you want the program to run in for the first argument." 
    exit 1
elif [ ! -d "$1" ]; then 
    echo "That isn't a directory. Please pass in a valid directory for the program to run in."
    exit 1 

echo -e "\nWorking in directory: $1 "
cd "$1"

# Checks to see the condition returned and if failed exits the program
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then           
    echo "Couldn't access the directory specified. Exiting."
    exit 1

mkdir output
# Checks to see the condition returned and if failed exits the program
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Couldn't create the temporary directory needed. Exiting"
    exit 1

# Compress all jpg, jpeg, and png images in the folder. The stderror is sent to null in case some image types aren't available.
mogrify -path output -resize 750 -quality 100% -define jpeg:extent=70KB *.JPG 2>/dev/null 
mogrify -path output -resize 750 -quality 100% -define jpeg:extent=70KB *.jpg 2>/dev/null
mogrify -path output -resize 750 -quality 100% -define jpeg:extent=70KB *.PNG 2>/dev/null
mogrify -path output -resize 750 -quality 100% -define jpeg:extent=70KB *.png 2>/dev/null
mogrify -path output -resize 750 -quality 100% -define jpeg:extent=70KB *.jpeg 2>/dev/null
mogrify -path output -resize 750 -quality 100% -define jpeg:extent=70KB *.JPEG 2>/dev/null

# Moves to be with the newly created folders so they can be renamed
cd output

# Removes the Pinterest (wrong size), Instagram (unneeded) images, any images ending with 'original' as that shows there's an updated blurred image for the blog, anything that says to ignore, and any image used in a collage.
find . -name "*original*" -delete
find . -name "*ignore*" -delete
find . -name "*interest*" -delete
find . -name "*nstagram*" -delete
find . -name "collage_*" -delete

# Adds the text compressed_ before all the filenames
find * -exec mv {} "compressed_{}" \;

# Moves all the images up a folder and removes the temporary output folder
mv * .. 
cd .. 
rmdir output

# If there's a Pinterest image it compresses it to the right size and names it the proper wayi
find . -name '*Pinterest*' | while read line; do
     magick convert "$line" -resize 471 -define jpeg:extent=70KB "compressed_${line:2}" 

echo -e "All done. Completed successfully.\nHave a great day!\n"

I want to remind you that I show that and detailed view of this script at my SimplyKyra website where this original and longer published version from March 10, 2021 lives.

Hope this can help free up some time for you and you're having a great day!


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