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๐Ÿ“š This Week In React #182: v18.3, useDeferredValue, 3D, Metro, Worklets, TC39, TypeScript, Effect, Rspack, GraphQL...

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Hi everyone!

This week we have a nice Next.js release and many interesting community blog posts.

We can also feel that the React core team is working hard to polish the remaining details for React 19. Unexpectedly, a v18.3 is finally planned with extra warnings. React Native 0.74 is also around the corner.

This week I'd like to introduce you to ECMAScript News. It's my favorite newsletter to keep up to date with ES, TC39, JS tooling, and runtimes.

Next week we have React Connection and React Native Connection conferences in Paris. See you there for those that attend ๐Ÿ‘‹. You can still get a -20% discount with my partner code "TWIR".

๐Ÿ’ก Subscribe to the official newsletter to receive an email every week!


๐Ÿ’ธ Sponsor

React-admin: The Open-Source Framework for B2B apps

React-admin: The Open-Source Framework for B2B apps

Used by 25,000 companies, React-admin is the leading framework for building ERPs, internal tools, and B2B apps with React. Here are 3 reasons to try it:

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2๏ธโƒฃ Customizable and Extensible โœจ๐Ÿ’ซ Built on a headless core, react-admin enables complete customization of your app's look and feel. And it gets out of the way when you need custom logic.

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Best of all: it's free and seamlessly integrates with your API (no SSO Tax). Try it now ๐Ÿ˜‰

โš›๏ธ React

Next.js 14.2

Next.js 14.2

Until we get React 19 and Next.js 15, this new minor version includes development, production, and caching improvements. The highlights are:

  • Turbopack (RC): 99.8% of tests passing for next dev --turbo
  • Build / Production Improvements: Reduced memory usage
  • Caching Improvements: Configurable client-side cache revalidation with staleTimes
  • Errors DX: Better hydration mismatch messages

Iโ€™m excited to see a great React hydration mismatch error dialog already implemented in Next.js! As I write this, Turbopack is 99.9% ready for development usage (6 integration tests missing). For build usage, itโ€™s 75% ready so weโ€™ll have to wait a bit more.

๐Ÿ’ธ Sponsor

FormBuilder SDK for React

FormBuilder SDK for React

A complete form solution for React projects, used by Fortune 500 companies. With easy-to-use open-source components for building and running powerful forms inside your React app. Extensively documented, up in minutes, and deeply customizable.

  • Builder for creating powerful forms;
  • Runner for deploying forms and collecting data;
  • Flexible form layouts (conversational, chat etc.) and styling;
  • Extensible with custom question types;
  • Complete docs, examples, and demos;
  • Self-hosted without external dependencies;
  • Start, test, and perfect for free.

TWIR exclusive: Get 25% off your FormBuilder SDK license.

๐Ÿ“ฑ React-Native

Is Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components possible in React Native?

๐Ÿฆ Is Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components possible in React Native?

Evan Bacon answers yes, and gives us a glimpse of what the future might hold in a server-driven React Native world. Exciting times ahead!

๐Ÿ”€ Other

๐Ÿคญ Fun


See ya! ๐Ÿ‘‹


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๐Ÿ“Œ React v18.0

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