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๐Ÿ“š Linux feel like everything can be broken at any time. What's your thoughts ?

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Last example to date, I'm on ubuntu, i want to install ArchiveBox. So i executed the command from the readme which is

mkdir -p ~/archivebox/data && cd ~/archivebox/data docker run -v $PWD:/data -it archivebox/archivebox init --setup 

I get all the valid green checkmark for everything. (it's very unusual that i get all green checkmark). So felt happy that for once, at least i got an install working smoothly... (not so fast...)

Just after executing this command, i cannot get cd, ls, or any command working anymore.

This kind of behaviour where for whatever reason, lot of things seems broken for whatever reason. Either because of an update, or change the smallest config file or in this case installing an app. Is really what annoy me about linux in general. I've been using macos and windows for 20 years pretty intensively (installing lot of utility and apps all the times) and never had this kind of problem. But on linux (mainly ubuntu because this is what i use). It happens so often.

Today it's "command not found" but tomorrow it's going to be something else on the same order of magnitude of fucking your system up. And then you have to spend hours trying to debug something you don't even know why it happens in the first place.

Am i the only ones feeling this on linux ?

On the pros side of linux, is that i have many apps i couldn't install on macos or windows (mainly self hosted app) that i can easily install on linux.

submitted by /u/pauldupont34
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