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📚 VTable usage problem: How to set the expanded and collapsed state of the tree structure

💡 Newskategorie: Programmierung
🔗 Quelle:

Question title

How to set the expanded and collapsed state of the tree structure in a tree-structured table.

Problem Description

Through configuration, set the expanded and collapsed state of the tree structure table and customize the display style of the tree structure.


  1. hierarchyExpandLevel can be configured in the option of table initialization. This configuration item is defined as follows: When displayed as a tree structure, the number of levels is expanded by default. The default setting is 1 to display only the root node, and the configuration of Infinity will expand all nodes.

  2. You can also obtain the expanded and collapsed status of a certain cell through the API after the table is initialized, and set the expanded and collapsed status of a certain cell through the API.

    // Get the tree-shaped expanded or collapsed state of a certain cell
    getHierarchyState(col: number, row: number) : HierarchyState | null;
    enum HierarchyState {
      expand = 'expand',
      collapse = 'collapse',
      none = 'none'
    // Header switch level status
    toggleHierarchyState(col: number, row: number): viod;

Code example

const option = {
  hierarchyExpandLevel: 2,
const tableInstance = new VTable.ListTable(container, option);

const state = tableInstance.getHierarchyState(0,1);
if (state === 'expand') {

Results display

Image description

Complete sample code (you can paste it into the editor to try it out):

let  tableInstance;
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((data) => {

const columns =[
        "field": "group",
        "title": "department",
        "width": "auto",
         tree: true,
            return rec['department']??rec['group']??rec['name'];
        "field": "total_children",
        "title": "memebers count",
        "width": "auto",
            return `position:  ${rec['position']}`
          return rec?.['total_children'];
        "field": "monthly_expense",
        "title": "monthly expense",
        "width": "auto",
            return `salary:  ${rec['salary']}`
          return rec?.['monthly_expense'];
        "field": "new_hires_this_month",
        "title": "new hires this month",
        "width": "auto"
        "field": "resignations_this_month",
        "title": "resignations this month",
        "width": "auto"
        "field": "complaints_and_suggestions",
        "title": "recived complaints counts",
        "width": "auto"


const option = {
  hierarchyExpandLevel: 2,

tableInstance = new VTable.ListTable(document.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID),option);
window['tableInstance'] = tableInstance;

const state = tableInstance.getHierarchyState(0,1);
if (state === 'expand') {

Related documents

Tree mode demo:

Related api:



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