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๐Ÿ“š Learning AWS Day by Day โ€” Day 47 โ€” Amazon DynamoDB โ€” Part 3

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Exploring AWS !!

Day 47:

Amazon DynamoDB โ€” Part 3

Image description

DynamoDB for high scaled systems like

If you have below needs, then try going for DynamoDB:

Users โ€” 1 million +

Data Volume โ€” TB, PB, EB

Locally โ€” Global

Performance โ€” Microsecond latency

Request Rate โ€” million/second

Access โ€” mobile, IoT, devices, scale-up and down

Dev access โ€” Instant API Access

Economics โ€” Pay-as-you-go

Customers rely on DynamoDB to support mission critical workloads, example, Banking and Finance โ€” fraud detection, user transaction, mainframe offloading (Used by โ€” Capital One, Vanguard, Fannie Mae), Gaming, software and internet, ad-tech, retail, media and entertainment.

Fast and flexible NoSQL database service for any scale:

Performance at scale:

Handles millions of requests per seconds

Delivers single digit milliseconds latency

Automated global replication

New Advanced streaming with Amazon Kinesis data streams

No servers to manage

Maintenance free

On demand capacity mode

Change data capture for integration with lambda, Redshift, ElasticSearch

Enterprise Ready:

ACID transactions

Encryption at rest

Continuous backups (PITR) and on demand, backup and restore

NoSQL workbench

Export table data to S3

PartiQL (SQL compatible query language) support

As you keep throwing traffic, it returns queries faster

DAX (DynamoDB Accelerator) adds read cache

Performance at scale:

Fully managed, highly available cache for DynamoDB

Even faster โ€” microseconds latency

Scales to millions of request/second

API compatible

Global tables provide applications with multi-region replication.

Build high performance, globally distributed applications.

Low latency reads and writes to locally available tables.

Multi-region redundancy and resiliency and 99.999% availability

Multi active writes for any region

Easy to set up and no application rewrites required

No servers to manage:

DynamoDB does heavy lifting for you across:

Security โ€” OS Patching, Database Patching, ACL enforcement, Audit, Encryption management, Compliance

Availability โ€” Highly available, Monitoring report, Cross region replication management

Durability โ€” sustain outages, re-replicate quickly, manage backup and resource

Scalability โ€” Host provisioning, host repair and retirement

Performance โ€” Performance tuning, Index management, Cache management


๐Ÿ“Œ Learning AWS Day by Day โ€” Day 45 โ€” Amazon DynamoDB โ€” Part 1

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๐Ÿ“Œ Learning AWS Day by Dayโ€Š-โ€ŠDay 46โ€Š-โ€ŠAmazon DynamoDBโ€Š-โ€ŠPart 2

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๐Ÿ“Œ Learning AWS Day by Day โ€” Day 47 โ€” Amazon DynamoDB โ€” Part 3

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๐Ÿ“Œ Learning AWS Day by Day โ€” Day 48 โ€” Amazon DynamoDB โ€” Part 4

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