Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator ๐Ÿ“Œ Ubuntu 24.04 - my NAS will no longer successfully restart, it freezes and then kernel panics, but it will cold boot if unpowered/repowered, any ideas appreciated!

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๐Ÿ“š Ubuntu 24.04 - my NAS will no longer successfully restart, it freezes and then kernel panics, but it will cold boot if unpowered/repowered, any ideas appreciated!

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

This is the issue on a restart:

After about 30-60 seconds it throws a kernel panic and then freezes.

Everything updated to latest, kernel is 6.8.0-31-generic


System details:

BIOS Information

Vendor: American Megatrends International, LLC.

Version: P3.40

Product Name: B550M Pro4 (motherboard) - ASRock

Base Board Information

Manufacturer: ASRock

Product Name: B550M Pro4


Serial Number: M80-FB001502116


CPU: model name : AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics


The system has an md array of 8 + 1 spare SSDs controlled by various things, some are on the motherboard, some are on two different PCI-E SATA cards:

lspci | grep SATA

02:00.1 SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] 500 Series Chipset SATA Controller

04:00.0 SATA controller: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM1166 Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)

06:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9215 PCIe 2.0 x1 4-port SATA 6 Gb/s Controller (rev 11)


The BIOS is the latest version.

Any ideas would be appreciated, not sure if I'm just a noob or this is some kind of bug.

Basically if I want to restart I have to shutdown, unplug it, replug it and boot again and everything is fine and a restart won't work, fails as described.



submitted by /u/Zatie12
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