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๐Ÿ“š "--variables " in CSS ๐Ÿคฏ THE COMPLETE GUIDE โšก

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Hi, guys it's me MINCE again. If you don't follow me I am Mince a UI designer for the web. From the intro you might get it that I love CSS. Yeah, it's true. Today, we will talking about variables in CSS.

The Basics

For storing values in CSS and reusing them you can create variables. Once changed they change where ever you declared them. Just like javascript, css, python or any other programming language.

Fun fact: variables is one of the most common thing in every programming language. But, their syntax is different in every language

The syntax for variables in css is a bit complicated. But it will come handy. So, why not ? You declare all the variables in the *::root * selector. Like this:


   variables here...


Then to declare a variable's name you enter the name with two "--" ( dashes ) in front of the name. Something like this.


--name: ;


Now inside this "--name" you can store any css code like colours, certain animation, width, height, margin and everything. Here's an example for you


--background: black;
--box-anime: box-turn 2s infinite;
--height: 45vw;


Now, does it make sense. But how do you use them. Well that's simple, just enter the name of the variable in the var() function. Like this:

   background: var(--bg);

That's all

But, why variables

Variables in css let you change data dynamically suppose you have a colour let's say orange. When you click a button orange should change into black. Well for this you select every element in js and then change the background colour of every element individually. This will take a ton of time. With, CSS variable you take the "--color" variable and change it. Well, that's more simple. It can also simplify your process if you have dark and light mode shifting in your application. It's useful to make responsive website simply when used along with media queries. So, give it a try

Comment, if you have any doubts.

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ˜‰..

Links ๐Ÿ”—:

W3schools article
My website


๐Ÿ“Œ "--variables " in CSS ๐Ÿคฏ THE COMPLETE GUIDE โšก

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