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📚 This week's API overview round-up: transportation doc flow queries, doc transactions and actionable doc flow transactions

💡 Newskategorie: Programmierung
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This week we will introduce three new APIs to you. We are very fond of the APIs in this week's Round up and we think you will be too. We will discuss the purpose, industry, and client types of these APIs. If you want to know more, the Marketplace for Data and APIs of Worldindata provides additional details on the APIs. Let's get into the APIs now!

Tradelens actionable transportation doc flow queries API

The actionable transportation doc flow queries API of Tradelens is designed to automate the process of transportation documents and query all next actions for a given FlowInstanceId. The main purpose of the data is to streamline the process of document flow, which is a critical aspect of transportation and logistics. By automating this process, Tradelens aims to make it easier and more efficient for transportation and logistics companies, importers, exporters, and international traders to manage their shipments.

The transportation industry is one of the main industries that use the actionable transportation doc flow queries API of Tradelens. This API is particularly useful for companies that deal with import and export, trade, and logistics. These companies are constantly dealing with transportation documents, which can be a time-consuming and tedious process. By automating this process, Tradelens is helping these companies to save time, reduce errors, and improve their overall efficiency.

The clients that use the actionable transportation doc flow queries API of Tradelens include transportation and logistics companies, importers, exporters, and international traders. These clients rely on transportation documents to manage their shipments, and they need a reliable and efficient system to ensure that these documents are processed accurately and on time. By using the actionable transportation doc flow queries API of Tradelens, these clients can automate the process of document flow and ensure that all next actions are taken in a timely manner, which helps to reduce delays and improve their overall business operations.

Format: JSON
Method: POST
Endpoint: /api/v1/actionableFlows/{flowInstanceId}/nextActions

Filters: flowInstanceId and queryNextActionRequest

Tradelens transportation doc transactions API

The transportation doc transactions API of Tradelens is a powerful tool used by transportation, automation, logistics, import, export, and trade industries to automate transportation documents and streamline the flow of information. The API works by collecting and organizing data related to transportation documents, which can then be accessed by authorized users to ensure that all next actions are taken for a given FlowInstanceId. This automation helps to reduce delays and errors, improve supply chain efficiency, and increase overall productivity in the transportation industry.

The main purpose of the transportation doc transactions API of Tradelens is to automate transportation documents and query all next actions for a given FlowInstanceId. This is done by collecting and processing data related to transportation documents and making it available to authorized users in a streamlined and efficient manner. The API provides real-time access to transportation document data, which helps to ensure that all next actions are taken in a timely and efficient manner.

Transportation and logistics companies, importers, exporters, and international traders are the types of clients that use the transportation doc transactions API of Tradelens. These clients rely on transportation documents to manage their shipments, and they need a reliable and efficient system to ensure that these documents are processed accurately and on time. By using the transportation doc transactions API of Tradelens, these clients can automate the process of document flow and ensure that all next actions are taken in a timely manner, which helps to reduce delays, improve supply chain efficiency, and increase overall productivity.

Format: JSON
Method: POST
Endpoint: /api/v1/bulkTransactions

Filters: transactionRequest, from and size

Tradelens fetch actionable transportation doc flow transactions API

The fetch actionable transportation doc flow transactions API of Tradelens is a powerful tool used by transportation, automation, logistics, import, export, and trade industries to automate transportation documents and streamline the flow of information. The API works by collecting and organizing data related to transportation documents and making it available to authorized users in a streamlined and efficient manner. This automation helps to reduce delays and errors, improve supply chain efficiency, and increase overall productivity in the transportation industry.

The main purpose of the fetch actionable transportation doc flow transactions API of Tradelens is to automate transportation documents and query all next actions for a given FlowInstanceId. This is done by collecting and processing data related to transportation documents and making it available to authorized users in a real-time and efficient manner. The API provides access to transportation document data, which helps to ensure that all next actions are taken in a timely and efficient manner.

Transportation and logistics companies, importers, exporters, and international traders are the types of clients that use the fetch actionable transportation doc flow transactions API of Tradelens. These clients rely on transportation documents to manage their shipments, and they need a reliable and efficient system to ensure that these documents are processed accurately and on time. By using the fetch actionable transportation doc flow transactions API of Tradelens, these clients can automate the process of document flow and ensure that all next actions are taken in a timely manner, which helps to reduce delays, improve supply chain efficiency, and increase overall productivity.

Format: JSON
Method: POST
Endpoint: /api/v2/flowTransactions

Filters: transactionRequest, from and size


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