🔧 Nuxt3 CSR Delayed Hydration
Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to
Are there any strategies for delaying certain scripts from running when deploying in CSR mode?
I deploy my front end to AWS S3 using SSR False.
PageSpeed is telling me my site is a little slow, however I've optimised and converted all my base images to webp.
There are certain JavaScripts that could be delayed however delaying them using nuxt-delay-hydration wont work due to being CSR.
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🕵️ https://csr.cianjurkab.go.id/dzz.php
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📰 CSR: Was ist Corporate Social Responsibility?
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📰 IT Nachrichten
💾 IEEE CSR Workshop 2024 Call For Papers
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💾 IT Security Tools
🔧 A Deep dive into CSR, SSR, SSG and ISR
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🕵️ https://csr.gov.in/pekapuran.txt
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🕵️ http://csr.kotabogor.go.id/ze.php
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