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๐Ÿ“š Kdenlive 16.08.1 Open-Source Video Editor Out with UI Changes, Improved Workflow

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: IT Security
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Just a few moments ago, the development team behind the open-source Kdenlive video editor software for GNU/Linux operating systems proudly announced the release of Kdenlive 16.08.1. Kdenlive 16.08.1 comes as part of today's KDE Applications 16.08.1 software suite for the KDE Plasma 5.7 desktop environment, which brought numerous improvements to various popular KDE apps, including KDE PIM, Konsole, Umbrello, Kate, Marble, Kopete, and Kajongg. But the Kdenlive devs wanted to make a separate announcement to present the new features they've been working on for the last few months, since the Kdenlive 16.04 release. Therefore, Kdenlive 16.08.1 ships with improved workflow by implementing persistent directories and a responsive cursor. While the persistent directories feature lets Kdenlive remember which was the last opened or saved project, the responsive cursor functionality referes to the fact that the cursor in the timeline will no automatically go to the end of a vi... ...

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