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📚 Godfall Is the First Title Announced for PlayStation 5

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
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Although Sony hasn't yet officially introduced its next-generation gaming console like Microsoft did last week, the first game coming to PlayStation 5 has already been revealed at The Game Awards. Godfall is an action RPG developed by Counterplay Games, a studio with several people who worked on games like Destiny 2. According to Keith Lee, the CEO of Counterplay Games, Godfall is a looter-slasher that's inspired by The Stormlight Archive, The First Law and the Foundation series, while gameplay-wise it will strongly resemble the Monster Hunter series. “Our goal with Godfall is to reforge fantasy ARPG-style loot progression and third-person melee combat into a whole new genre: The Looter-Slasher. Nam... ...

📌 Godfall Is the First Title Announced for PlayStation 5

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📌 PS5: Erstes Spiel für PlayStation 5 angekündigt - seht hier "Godfall" im Trailer

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📌 PS5: Erstes Spiel für PlayStation 5 angekündigt - seht hier "Godfall" im Trailer

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📌 Gameplay-Clip zu Godfall

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