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๐Ÿ“š notcurses 1.1.0 with improved video rendering, plane pulsing, mouse, painter's algorithm etc.

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Hey all! Last month I posted here with the 0.9.1 release of notcurses, my fusion of ncurses-like functionality with multimedia, transparency, and 24bpc RGB color. I yesterday released 1.1.0, and it's now pretty much complete, definitely usable. I've recorded a fresh demo here (this time it shouldn't blow out your ears, hopefully):

Awesome 1.1.0 demo


I'd say I'm now at SNES levels of TUI graphics; the Chun Li sprites are hand-coded, *not* ffmpeg inductions:


chun li rendered in front of a wall of unicode (

The "Terminal Phase" game from earlier today motivated me to post this, as notcurses is really tailor-made for that kind of thing. I've also rewritten the UI of my "growlight" disk management tool using notcurses, and it looks great IMHO:


Growlight using notcurses (

I'd love for people to take this and go do cool things! I've written out man pages for all functionality now, so it's pretty well documented. I also wrote up experimental Python wrappers. I'm just looking for users :). Please ask me any questions, and report any bugs! Sorry to post again so soon, just it's come a long way in a short time :D. Hack on!

submitted by /u/sosodank
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