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๐Ÿ“š If Linux is not an option, would you prefer Mac or Windows for development?

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

So a few months ago I joined a company which used to be a .Net shop but now they are opening to other tech stacks (such as java). The thing is, I was allowed to try Linux as a workstation for a while but it is really hard since I'm the first one and the only OSs they officially support are Mac and Windows and a lot of tooling and access is fully set up around those two. So as you can imagine the experience so far has been terrible and fixing it is supper low priority for them.

I guess my question is, if you like working in a Linux laptop but now your only options are Mac and Windows, which one would you choose?

I'm mostly on the terminal, I use a lot of CLIs programs and I code in Neovim, I also use some Docker. I have seen Windows trying really hard to get better for devs lately, are they there yet?

submitted by /u/ktonga
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