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๐Ÿ“š [Tips]Just removed X11 and gnome from my test environment to learn what would happen if you remove a DE after installation. Don't to it.

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

I have installed RHEL 9 on my first server ever and I have used DE for a few weeks.

Recently I realised that a server should not have DE when possible and X11 should be removed too as I was using CLI much more often than GUI and I came across a article on the dnf group commend.

Since I have backups and have documented my setup I decided to remove the DE and X to see if the OS can be recovered after doing so.

Beware, the OS is not safe for production use afterwards. Always re-install the OS to remove the DE.

The OS booted just fine and now I have many error messages,

D-bus is still trying to reach gnome-keying

Python3.9 lost some of it's SELinux configs and I can no longer change firewall settings from Cockpit Samba package is gone SystemD can't reach some directory.

After running "fixfiles onboot" to re-label files to SELinux and re-installing a few packages I managed to fix all of them and cleared some leftover directories and everything is working fine now however I expect the OS to have some corrupted config files and weird dependency issues no matter what I do. I'll re-install the OS once Dell update OS support list for my server.

By the way since RHEL 9 is still not official supported by DELL there's a BIOS errro message from kernel, the sever is a R740XD with latest firmwares. OMSA and DSU works fine but no official support.

DMAR: [Firmware Bug]: No firmware reserved region can cover this RMRR [0x000000006f15f000-0x000000006f161fff], contact BIOS vendor for fixes

submitted by /u/ag3601
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