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๐Ÿ“š What would happen to my career outlook if I never learn IDA?

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Reverse Engineering
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Iโ€™ve been a forward-engineer for about 25 years. One day, very recently, I hit peak frustration and dissatisfaction with my career. I threw a job application out for a job I had zero experience in and they actually took me as a contractor to see what would happen.

This new job is a culmination of a bunch of things. Itโ€™s not actually malware analysis, or even security related. Itโ€™s not top secret or anything like that, but itโ€™s in my best interest to be obscure about it; itโ€™s extremely niche and actually relies on obscurity. That said, reverse engineering is a useful skill for the job.

Lots and lots of educational material references IDA, especially IDA Pro. The best description Iโ€™ve read is that IDA is like the โ€œPhotoshop of Reverse Engineeringโ€. But holy smokes, the barrier of entry is absolutely ridiculous. Itโ€™s rage inducing, really, especially considering Iโ€™m working on Windows, Linux, and MacOS with both x64 and Arm.

How badly would it hurt my career if I stick to the more reasonable options, like Binary Ninja?

I have zero โ€œunlearningโ€ to do. I donโ€™t have any habits or muscle memory for anything in IDA, or any other reverse engineering tools or workflows. The last time I was hacking anything was with SoftIce and Hex Workshop in the 90s.

So given a blank slate, what do you more experienced people think?

Or should I sell a kidney and get IDA Pro?

submitted by /u/gplusplus314
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